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Refund Policy

All donations are made voluntarily. All donations will reach the beneficiaries and will not be returned unless the following reason is fulfilled: If the donor donated by mistake, the donation was made in an incorrect amount, or the association was not the charity that the donor intended. In the previous case, please contact the association in writing as soon as possible so that it does not exceed one week from the date of the transaction. The association is studying the possibility of returning the sums recovered or not after verifying the identity of the donor, and the return is done in the appropriate way (cash / bank transfer / with the same card used) according to what the association sees, and within a period of thirty days from the date of providing the data requested by the association, minus any expenses Or fees deducted from the amount in the donation process, or are required for the return process.

Delivery Policy

All donations made through this service are submitted to the association registered in the Ministry of Labor and Social Development under restriction, licensed to collect money and spend it in the specified manner in accordance with the procedures and policies approved by the Fund and in accordance with the controls specified in the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Donors will receive an email or text message on their phone, and this message is considered a receipt.

Privacy Policy

When you donate, as part of the payment and donation process, we collect personal information that you provide to us, such as your name, address, and email address. The information collected may be disclosed to law enforcement authorities, the judiciary, or other government officials, for the purposes of preventing any money laundering or terrorist financing operation in accordance with the Money Laundering Prevention Regulation. The association does not keep any sensitive data related to the credit card used for payment.

Terms & Conditions

The service provided by the electronic donation to facilitate the donors, and the donors agree to the provisions listed below: This assistance, which you can request, in his legal status, requires him to obtain this assistance. Procedures for determining procedures and dates for appointing specific procedures in the board of directors of the association to make procedures for determining the dates for disbursing donated money. Some of its affiliate fees, some of its affiliate fees, some of its affiliate fees, its affiliate cards. Agrees to receive the donor from the email. Payment and follow-up procedures Payment and monitoring procedures by the Central Bank of Bahrain. The name of the donor and the user data you use if this information is used Money donated, collected, due to a project, and not hidden, as donation money.